Tuesday, November 1, 2011

the lone, forgotten French verb

So yesterday, I wrote a rather comprehensive post on basic irregular French verbs, but to my horror I discovered that I'd neglected one of the most important verbs of all: the verb FAIRE, which means "to do" or "to make." Here's the present-tense conjugation:

Je fais
Tu fais
Il/Elle/On fait
Nous faisons
Vous faites
Ils/Elles font


En hiver, je fais du ski. (In winter, I ski.)

Qu'est-ce que tu fais? (What are you doing?)

On fait un gâteau pour Maman. (We're making a cake for Mom.)

Vous faites quoi dans la vie? (What do you do [as a job]? Literally, "You do what in life?")

A note about the pronoun on: while it literally translates as "one" and can often be used in the same sense as the English "one" (e.g., "One wonders what he'll say."), the French on has, over the past several decades, taken on the role of nous (i.e., "we") in many cases. Example:

Alors on fait quoi maintenant? ("So what do we do now?")

So, anyway, that's FAIRE. Practice those irregular conjugations!


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